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[Java][JVM][Tuning][Profiling][G1] To tune or not to tune? G1GC vs humongous allocation

Big fat warning

This article shows some JVM tuning using some JVM flags. You should never use any JVM flags without knowing what consequences they may produce.

What are humongous objects?

G1 divides the whole heap into regions. The goal is to have 2048 regions, so for 2GB heap G1 will divide it to 2048 regions of 1MB size. The size of region on your JVM is easy to find, the easiest way is to run (Java 11):

java -Xms2G -Xmx2G -Xlog:gc+heap -version

Java will tell you what the region size is:

[0.002s][info][gc,heap] Heap region size: 1M

If you want to know size of region on running JVM you can do it through jcmd and many other tools:

jcmd <pid> GC.heap_info

Sample result:

 garbage-first heap   total 514048K, used 2048K [0x000000060a000000, 0x0000000800000000)
  region size 2048K, 2 young (4096K), 0 survivors (0K)
 Metaspace       used 5925K, capacity 6034K, committed 6272K, reserved 1056768K
  class space    used 500K, capacity 540K, committed 640K, reserved 1048576K

The second line contains region size.

Humongous objects are objects that are bigger than half of region size. They are usually large arrays.

Application details

Production example of that fail

Let’s look at heap size after GC chart:

alt text

Everything is normal except one spike in the middle. Let’s look at GC stats in the table:

alt text

We have one Full GC pause, cycle number 1059. Before that cycle there were two cycles with To-space exhausted situations (no room for GC to copy objects). Let’s look at raw text logs, and see cycles from 1056 to 1058.

GC(1056) Eden regions: 210->0(319)
GC(1056) Survivor regions: 14->13(28)
GC(1056) Old regions: 233->231
GC(1056) Humongous regions: 0->0

GC(1057) To-space exhausted
GC(1057) Eden regions: 319->0(219)
GC(1057) Survivor regions: 13->5(42)
GC(1057) Old regions: 231->534
GC(1057) Humongous regions: 72->4

GC(1058) To-space exhausted
GC(1058) Eden regions: 97->0(224)
GC(1058) Survivor regions: 5->0(28)
GC(1058) Old regions: 534->636
GC(1058) Humongous regions: 4->4

A little tutorial how to interpret those lines:

Line <type> regions: <from>-><to>(<max>), example: Eden regions: 210->0(319) means:

So in the cycle 1056 everything was normal, then in 1057 we had 72 new humongous objects. GC failed the evacuation process (collection marked by To-space exhausted) and moved almost all objects from the young generation to the old one. It can be seen in line with old regions 231->534, so 303 new old regions appeared. Then G1 simply cannot clean the large old generation in “good enough” time and does a fallback to Full GC. If we count all regions in the 1057 cycle, we have 319+13+231+72=635 regions filled (from 640), so G1 has only 5 regions for his job. It is no wonder that G1 failed.

When we look at the region count before the GC chart, we see that there was only one spike of humongous objects during the whole day (logs are from 24h period).

alt text

I was told that such a situation occurs once or twice a day on every node of this application.

What can we do to fix it?

If you google, what can you do about it, most of the time you will see suggestions, that you should tune GC by increasing region size. But what’s the impact of this tuning to the rest of your application? Nobody can tell you that. In some situations you can try to do it, but what if a humongous object would have 20MB? You need to increase region size to 64MB to make that humongous object normal young generation objects. Unfortunately you cannot do it, max region size is 32MB (JDK 11u9). Another thing to consider is how long such humongous objects live in your application. If they are not dying very fast then they are going to be copied by the young generation collector, this may be very expensive. They also may occupy most of the young generation, so you may have more frequent GC collections.

The application mentioned above did such tuning twice. First, development team increased region size to 4MB, and after that they increased it to 8MB. The problem still exists.

Is there anything else we can do apart from GC tuning?

Well, we can simply find where those humongous objects are created in our application and change our code. So instead of tuning GC to work better with our application, we can change our application to work better with GC.

How to do it?

When it comes to object on heap we have two points of view:

Since we want to find where humongous objects are created, the second, and the third option are more suitable, but there are situations where heap dump is “good enough”.

Allocation profiler

There are two kinds of allocation profilers:

I will cover only the first type. Two allocation profilers that I know that can be used on production for such purposes are:

They are using same principle, from Async-profiler readme:

The profiler features TLAB-driven sampling. It relies on HotSpot-specific callbacks to receive two kinds of notifications:

This means not each allocation is counted, but only allocations every N kB, where N is the average size of TLAB. This makes heap sampling very cheap and suitable for production. On the other hand, the collected data may be incomplete, though in practice it will often reflect the top allocation sources.

If you don’t know what TLAB is, I recommend reading this article. Long story short: one TLAB is a small part of eden that is assigned to one thread and only one thread can allocate in it.

Both profilers can dump:

After dumping data we have to post-process output file and find humongous objects.

Async-profiler example

In my opinion, Async-profiler is the best profiler in the world, so I will use it in the following example.

I wrote an example application that does some humongous allocations, let’s try to find out where this allocation is done. I run (from async-profiler directory) command with:

./ -d 10 -f /tmp/humongous.jfr -e alloc Application

Now I have to post-process output file and find interesting stacktraces. First, let’s look at GC logs to find sizes :

Dead humongous region 182 object size 16777232 start 0x000000074b600000 with remset 0 code roots 0 is marked 0 reclaim candidate 1 type array 1
Dead humongous region 199 object size 33554448 start 0x000000074c700000 with remset 0 code roots 0 is marked 0 reclaim candidate 1 type array 1
Dead humongous region 232 object size 67108880 start 0x000000074e800000 with remset 0 code roots 0 is marked 0 reclaim candidate 1 type array 1

So we are looking for objects with sizes: 16777232, 33554448, 67108880. Keep it mind that you have to look at logs from a period of time, when the profiler was running. Since version 2.0 of async-profiler JFR output is in 2.0 version. We can use the jfr command line tool, which is delivered with JDK 11, to parse output file.

First let’s look at content of our output file:

jfr summary humongous.jfr 
 Version: 2.0
 Chunks: 1
 Start: 2020-11-10 07:02:10 (UTC)itit
 Duration: 10 s

 Event Type                          Count  Size (bytes) 
 jdk.ObjectAllocationInNewTLAB       65632       1107332
 jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB       134          2304
 jdk.CPULoad                            10           200
 jdk.Metadata                            1          4191
 jdk.CheckPoint                          1          4449
 jdk.ActiveRecording                     1            73
 jdk.ExecutionSample                     0             0
 jdk.JavaMonitorEnter                    0             0
 jdk.ThreadPark                          0             0

We have registered:

Humongous objects are usually allocated outside TLAB, because they are very big. Let’s look at those allocations:

jfr print --events jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB humongous.jfr
jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB {
  startTime = 2020-11-10T07:02:17.329539461Z
  objectClass = byte[] (classLoader = null)
  allocationSize = 16777232
  eventThread = "badguy" (javaThreadId = 37)
  stackTrace = [
    pl.britenet.profiling.demo.nexttry.Application.lambda$main$2() line: 56
    pl.britenet.profiling.demo.nexttry.Application$$Lambda$ line: 0 line: 833

jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB {
  startTime = 2020-11-10T07:02:17.331986883Z
  objectClass = byte[] (classLoader = null)
  allocationSize = 33554448
  eventThread = "badguy" (javaThreadId = 37)
  stackTrace = [
    pl.britenet.profiling.demo.nexttry.Application.lambda$main$2() line: 56
    pl.britenet.profiling.demo.nexttry.Application$$Lambda$ line: 0 line: 833

jdk.ObjectAllocationOutsideTLAB {
  startTime = 2020-11-10T07:02:17.337044969Z
  objectClass = byte[] (classLoader = null)
  allocationSize = 67108880
  eventThread = "badguy" (javaThreadId = 37)
  stackTrace = [
    pl.britenet.profiling.demo.nexttry.Application.lambda$main$2() line: 56
    pl.britenet.profiling.demo.nexttry.Application$$Lambda$ line: 0 line: 833


Available formats are:

By default, stack trace is cut to 5 top frames, you can change it using –stack-depth option.

From the output I put above, we can read that we have 3 objects we were looking for, we can read from it, that our humongous allocation is done with thread “badguy”, and is done in lambda in Application class.

Tracing JVM internals

Humongous allocation is done in g1CollectedHeap.cpp in:

G1CollectedHeap::humongous_obj_allocate(size_t word_size)

To trace its calls we can use:

Async-profiler example

Tracing such calls with async-profiler is really easy. We have to run it with options:

./ -d 10 -f /tmp/humongous.svg -e G1CollectedHeap::humongous_obj_allocate Application

And we can see humongous allocations:

alt text

If you need thread name you can add -t switch while running async-profiler.

Hard part - modifying application

Everything I wrote so far is easy. Now we have to modify our application. Of course, I cannot fix every humongous allocation with one article. All I can do is to write production examples and what has been done with them.

Hazelcast distributed cache

Humongous allocation: Hazelcast distributed cache created large byte[] while distribution between nodes.

Fix: Changing cache provider for those maps where humongous allocation appeared. There were massive byte[] transported through the network, it was not effective at all.

Web application - upload to DMS form

Humongous allocation: Application had HTML form, that allowed to send files with size up to 40MB to DMS (document management system). Content of that file at Java code level was simply byte[], of course such an array was a humongous object.

Fix: Backend for that upload form was moved to a separate application.


Humongous allocation: Hibernate engine was creating a very large Object[]. From the heap dump I could find what kind of objects they were, and what content they had. From the profiler I knew which thread allocated them, and from application log I knew what business operation invoked it. I found following entity in codebase:

public class SomeEntity {
    @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER ...)
    private Set<Mapping1> map1;
    @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER ...)
    private Set<Mapping2> map2;
    @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER ...)
    private Set<Mapping3> map3;
    @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER ...)
    private Set<Mapping4> map4;
    @OneToMany(fetch = FetchType.EAGER ...)
    private Set<Mapping5> map5;

Such mapping created multiple joins on SQL level and created duplicated results that had to be processed by Hibernate.

Fix: In this entity it was possible to add FetchType.SELECT, so that’s what was done. Keep in mind that can cause data integrity problems in some cases, so again, this change helped this application, but it can hurt yours.

Big WebService response

Humongous allocation: One application fetched “product catalog” from another application through WebService. That created a huge byte[] (around 100MB) to fetch data from the network.

Fix: Both applications were changed to give possibility to fetch “product catalog” in chunks.

To tune or not to tune?

As I mentioned before, sometimes instead of tuning GC to work better with our application, we can change our application to work better with GC. Now what are pros and cons?

Changing application - pros

Changing application - cons

Tuning GC - pros

Tuning GC - cons

As a rule of thumb I suggest changing application first if this can solve your GC problems.